Can You Sue for Burn Injuries Caused by Defective Products?  

By Greg Kohn

A  defective product can change your life for the worse. An electronic device that combusts or catches fire has the potential to burn, maim, or even kill.

Our New Jersey personal injury attorneys will review your unique case to determine if you can sue for burn injuries caused by a defective product.

Legal Options After a Defective Product Causes a Burn

The corporations that make defective products are held legally liable for burns and other injuries. Such combustion and fire resulting from poor design or malfunction constitute as a form of negligence. Negligence is a word often used by attorneys to refer to the failure to provide due care.

Meet with a personal injury attorney for a case review, and that legal practitioner will determine if there is solid legal footing for a lawsuit. More often than not, burn injuries resulting from a defective product lead to significant financial compensation.

Damages for Burn Injuries

Your burn injury will set you back hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars. A personal injury attorney will zealously pursue justice on your behalf to right this wrong. A personal injury lawsuit is likely to lead to a settlement offer or court award in your favor.

The financial compensation obtained through a settlement or court award will pay for your medical treatment, prescription medication, durable medical equipment, and more. If you lose time at work or have diminished working capacity after your injury, compensation will also offset those losses. 

Compensation from a lawsuit will also cover the cost of reconstructive surgery necessary to enhance the aesthetic of the burn site or disfigurement. Above all, compensation will address your unjust pain and suffering resulting from this terrible incident. 

Such punitive damages are meant to help you live a fulfilling life after disfigurement, extensive pain, and potentially lifelong suffering. Moreover, such damages also encourage the defective product manufacturer to correct the design or manufacturing process to prevent such injuries in the future.

Product Liability Claim Defendants

There is a common misconception that the maker of a defective product that causes a burn injury is the only possible defendant. Additional possible defendants include the retailer that sold the product and the distributor of the product.

Meet with a New Jersey personal injury attorney for a case review to determine which party is most likely liable for the defective product. Some such burn injury cases name two or even three defendants when liability is shared.

Be Proactive and Positive

A burn injury is painful and potentially disfiguring, yet there is hope on the horizon. Seek immediate medical attention, document all medical visits, and keep copies of relevant receipts. Be sure to take pictures of your injuries and the defective product. 

If anyone witnessed the injury, let your personal injury attorney know their names and contact information.  Eyewitness testimony has the potential to tilt the scales of justice in your favor.

Learn More During a Consultation With Our New Jersey Personal Injury Attorneys

Have you been injured by a defective product? If you’ve suffered a burn or other injury, be aware that help is available. Our New Jersey personal injury attorneys will help you obtain financial compensation through legal recourse. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.

About the Author
Greg Kohn is a partner at Nagel Rice and specializes in complex civil litigation cases, including professional malpractice, personal injury, class actions, wrongful death, products liability, and commercial litigation.  He has extensive experience representing clients in both state and federal court. Greg has tried many jury trials to verdict and has recovered over $50 million in settlements and verdicts in all types of personal injury matters including automobile accidents, wrongful death cases, slip and falls, and other catastrophic injury cases. Greg also handles medical malpractice cases, involving misdiagnoses, wrongful birth, and delayed cancer diagnosis. If you have questions regarding this article, you can contact Greg here.