Fighting for Child Abuse Survivors Throughout New York and New Jersey

child's hand prints in blue paint

The destruction of a child’s innocence, joy, and future is one of the most devastating acts that can occur to that child, his parents, and his future spouse and/or children.

For decades, institutions like the Boy Scouts of America and the Roman Catholic Church have protected known predators and shielded decades of reported and known sex abuse from the very children and families who relied on their protection, services, guidance, and trust.

Until recently, the Boy Scouts and the Church have successfully silenced their victims through heavy-handed litigation tactics and a code of silence. In recent years, however, the voice of victims has been brought to the forefront through suits that seek to hold these institutions responsible for the wake of destruction they have committed against our children.

If you have had the misfortune of suffering sexual abuse at the hands of a priest, Boy Scout leader, teacher or other trusted adult, the law provides you with the opportunity to receive compensation for all that you have lost, both financially and emotionally.

In dealing with the trauma of coming forward about sexual abuse you need a dedicated personal injury attorney to fight for you and your family. Nagel Rice has successful stood up to the Boy Scouts and the Church, on behalf of victims for more than three decades. We have a proven track record of helping our clients obtain just compensation and achieving closure. Nagel Rice has obtained some of the largest settlements for sex abuse clients in the entire tri-state area.

Recently, Nagel Rice represented three child sex abuse survivors in a civil suit against the Boy Scouts of America. After four days of trial, the Boy Scouts settled the case. See the Nagel Rice news update here.

Victims of Abuse In NY and NJ Have More Time To Seek Justice

Recently, both the States of New York and New Jersey enacted sweeping and broad legislation extending the statute of limitations for civil sex abuse suits.

In New Jersey, the legislature recently passed a law that will extend the current two-year statute of limitations for many more years allowing victims the opportunity to seek justice. Adults who were sexually assaulted as children can now bring a civil suit against an individual or institution, including non-profits, up until the age of 55 or seven years after they make “the discovery” connecting their emotional and psychological injuries to their abuse.

Similarly, New York recently overturned a two-year limitation period from the date of the abuse to now permit sexual abuse civil claims for any person prior to attaining the age of 55. In addition, New York is providing a one-year period for any previously time-barred claims to be filed.

Why Choose Nagel Rice LLP As Your Child Abuse Survivor Attorney

Dealing with the trauma of child sexual abuse is stressful as well as painful because the years of emotional distress, anger, confusion, and depression many survivors keep bottled up. Add legal complexities and well-funded organizations seeking to silence you, and you are likely to feel totally overwhelmed. At Nagel Rice, we know that you need time to address the trauma done to you and we have the experience and in-depth knowledge to lift the burden from you and handle all legal matters related to your child sex abuse suit. We are dedicated to obtaining the highest damages possible for you and your family, and you should be relieved to know that we won’t charge you an attorney fee unless we win your case. You can get in touch with either of our two offices by phone or by filling out a contact form on our website.