New Jersey & New York Car Accident Attorneys

Two cars collided in an auto collision

Most of us, though we know that the statistical probability of being involved in a serious car accident is relatively high, manage to put this information out of our minds as we go about our daily routines. Those of us who have been driving for more than a few years have usually been involved in at least one “fender bender,” a minor collision in which no one is injured. Severe car crashes, involving serious injuries, are, of course, far more disturbing. Though less frequent than fender benders, they have become all too common.

If you or a loved one has had the misfortune to be injured or killed in a car crash in New Jersey, you should contact us, the personal injury law firm of Nagel Rice LLP, for assistance. Our astute, cutting-edge attorneys are ready to protect your rights and win you the compensation you deserve. The sooner you get in touch with us, the more likely we will be to find physical evidence and cooperating witnesses.

We are known for pursuing cutting-edge litigation in a variety of fatal and serious car crash cases, including:

Reasons A Car Accident Can Occur in New Jersey

No matter how safely we drive, we can’t control external factors, like the behavior of other drivers, so the risk of having a collision is always there. Certain factors, some within our control and some not, increase the probability that a car crash will occur, including:

Age can also be a factor in car crashes. Young and inexperienced drivers may make more mistakes or be more impulsive than mature drivers. On the other hand, older drivers may have diminished reflexes, diminished vision or hearing, or other health conditions that make them a hazard on the road.

Beyond all factors that can be moderated to reduce road risk, there are the unexpected, unpredictable causes that give crashes their name — a building facade that breaks and falls; an animal that runs into the street; a previously healthy driver who experiences a medical crisis.  When such unavoidable events occur, no one is to blame.

Car accident attorneys in New Jersey and New York

No-Fault Insurance

No-fault insurance is designed to prevent unnecessary, costly litigation and to ensure that medical costs are paid promptly. Auto insurance in New Jersey or New York is known as “no-fault insurance” due to the fact that no matter who or what causes a car crash, your own insurance company is responsible for paying medical treatment fees for:

  • Doctor bills
  • Ambulance and emergency room bills
  • Prescription medications
  • Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Lost wages

These payments, it should be noted, compensate for economic losses. No-fault insurance does not, however, cover pain and suffering. To be reimbursed for the misery of being seriously hurt, you must file a personal injury lawsuit. This is where Nagel Rice LLP comes in. As first-rate personal injury attorneys with offices in both New York and New Jersey, we are well-informed about the applicable laws in these two states and extremely adept at negotiating or litigating to obtain substantial settlements. We have a proven track record of obtaining some of the highest damage amounts ever awarded, many in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

All New York State residents, and almost all New Jersey residents, are required to carry personal injury projection, an extension of auto insurance to cover the economic aspects of injuries resulting from crashes. PIP covers not only the insured driver but any passengers or pedestrians who suffer injury in the crash.

Types of Injuries Due to a Car Accident

Victims of car crashes may suffer all kinds of injuries, some requiring prolonged medical care. If you have been in a serious car accident, you may, in addition to minor scrapes, lacerations, bruises and swelling, have suffered:

It is not uncommon for bodily harm suffered during a car crash to have manifestations weeks, or even years after the fact, so it is important to consider how your injuries may affect you in years to come. At Nagel Rice, our New Jersey & New York attorneys are well-versed in the possible complications and future implications of your present injuries and able to calculate reasonable costs that you may have to pay or income you may lose, as time goes by. When we file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf, we will use well-defined formulas to realistically assess the amount of money you will need to maintain yourself and your loved ones going forward.

When Personal Injury Lawsuits Become Necessary After A Car Accident

Bodily injury (BI) claims are distinct from the no-fault payments described above. Though charged against the same insurance company, personal injury claims are processed entirely separately and are regulated by a different set of rules, departments, and adjusters than no-fault claims. They also have different standards of proof and available compensation.

No-Fault was designed to ensure that regardless of fault; an insurance company will pay cyclists, pedestrians, drivers, and passengers up to $50,000.00 for legitimate economic losses as described above. In many circumstances, however, this amount does not come close to covering losses you have incurred in terms of life-changing injuries that may alter employment opportunities, cause lasting emotional trauma, and result in diminished quality of life. With the assistance of one of the vigorous personal injury attorneys at Nagel Rice LLP, you can file a lawsuit that will cover your personal injuries much more comprehensively and will address issues of long-term disabilities and/or physical pain and psychological damage.

Choice No-Fault Insurance in New Jersey

New Jersey is one of only a few states known as a “choice no-fault” insurance state, meaning that drivers can choose between no-fault and traditional automobile insurance coverage. If the no-fault option is chosen, the driver’s insurance policy will pay for medical bills and other expenses. A lawsuit can only be brought against the other driver if the car crash resulted in one of the following: displaced fractures, dismemberment, significant scarring or disfigurement, permanent injury, or the loss of a fetus.

Contact Our New Jersey & New York Car Accident & Injury Attorneys

While insurance company representatives may appear compassionate and willing to help in the immediate aftermath of your car accident, you should be aware that their goal is to settle as quickly and inexpensively as possible. This is why you need to have our knowledgeable, skilled team looking out for your interests. You should never sign any agreements with an insurance company before consulting with us. We have extensive experience and know precisely which strategies will work most efficiently to get you the settlement you’re entitled to.

We have the resources to investigate, collect evidence, and interview witnesses and the skills to negotiate with agility. If negotiations break down, we are fully prepared to win your case through energetic litigation. To contact Nagel Rice LLP, just give us a call or fill out one of the convenient contact forms on our website.

Nagel Rice LLP helps its clients with their car accident and injury claims throughout New Jersey including Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Morris County, Passaic County, and Sussex County. We also represent clients in New York.