The misery of parents who suffer a birth injury or a wrongful birth is unbearable. And yet, Nagel Rice’s birth injury lawyer and many of their clients know all too well, that pain has to be endured. When a newborn is deformed or sick with a devastating, possibly fatal, illness that should have been diagnosed early in the pregnancy, the pain is exponentially multiplied by the fact that this event could have been avoided had a more vigilant obstetrician on the case. Years ago, before sonograms and genetic testing, such horrors were terrible but inevitable. That such incidents continue to occur with modern technology in place is beyond tragic, since when a serious condition is detected early on, the parents should have the option of terminating the pregnancy.

How Our New Jersey Birth Injury Attorney Can Help

If you are suffering a complex and overwhelming situation due to obstetrical malpractice or wrongful birth, the compassionate, highly competent attorneys at Nagel Rice are on your side. We understand the extreme emotional anguish and exorbitant medical costs that can result from obstetrical negligence and are eager to assist you in tipping the scale a little closer to justice for you and your family.

At Nagel Rice, we try cases and we produce results. While your family is processing the awful reality caused by wrongful birth or other obstetrical malpractice, our skilled attorneys will aggressively pursue legal means to assist you in your struggles for legal remedy and financial security. We are absolutely committed to getting you all the money you are entitled to.

Catastrophic Medical Conditions that Obstetricians Fail to Diagnose Prior to Birth

Modern science seems miraculous when it enables us to foresee and potentially avoid the miseries of severe birth defects and predictably fatal illnesses in newborns. When a negligent obstetrician misdiagnoses such consequences, the law holds that person, and often the facility he or she is associated with, accountable. The following problems should, almost always, be diagnosable through prenatal testing conducted throughout the pregnancy, such as blood tests, DNA testing, amniocentesis, and sonograms. At Nagel Rice, we are well aware that,  when obstetricians negligently misdiagnose these life-altering defects, they condemn both infants and their families to prolonged misery. Some defects can be corrected with painful surgeries or other treatments, but some will result in lifelong disability or even early death:

If despite the parental commitment to careful obstetrical monitoring during pregnancy, your doctor has failed to take or misinterpreted, the results of a prenatal test, you are entitled to full compensation under the law, and Nagel Rice’s skilled birth injury lawyer will do everything possible to see that you receive it. Remember, in cases of obstetrical malpractice or wrongful birth, you will owe us no fee until we obtain damages for you.

Birth Injury Lawyer – Birth Injuries

In addition to infants whose illnesses or deformities have been misdiagnosed in utero, a certain number of infants (and mothers) are injured by obstetricians during the birthing process. In many cases, such mistakes are also due to medical malpractice. Negligent obstetricians can, although thankfully rarely, cause injuries to the newborn’s head or brain, nerves, bones, skin, or soft tissues during delivery. There are even cases of perinatal asphyxia, resulting in infant death. Occasionally, mothers are permanently damaged by episiotomy injuries.

Common Reasons Things Go Wrong

There are a number of common reasons for obstetricians to fail to diagnose or misdiagnose, prenatal problems and our experienced attorneys know them well. Once you contact our birth injury lawyer, we will evaluate your case with precision, hiring medical experts whenever necessary to confirm that one or more of the following mistakes have been made in the case of your child:

  • Failure to provide genetic counseling
  • Failure to monitor and detect maternal infections or gestational diabetes
  • Failure to take a complete maternal medical history
  • Failure to conduct proper physical exams
  • Failure to order or perform prenatal testing
  • Failure to read and/or interpret such screenings properly
  • Laboratory errors
  • Failure to detect fetal distress
  • Failure to detect that an infant is in a breech position or too large for a normal delivery
  • Failure to diagnose and treat postnatal infant health problems such as jaundice
  • Failure to detect and treat maternal preeclampsia

We will work tirelessly to zero in on the area in which your obstetrical care has gone wrong, as we have in so many other cases. We will then develop a convincing legal case to make certain that you and your family receive the compensation for medical and therapeutic costs, ongoing disability care, and emotional trauma that you so clearly deserve.

Birth Injury Lawyer – Our Track Record of Success Sets Us Apart

We know how difficult it is to take legal steps when you are struggling with acute pain during a period that is supposed to be joyful. By contacting Nagel Rice, LLP, you are putting yourself on the right course since our highly capable birth injury lawyer has been winning medical malpractice cases for our clients for over 30 years. We will handle all legal matters for you, knowing that you require time for healing as well as for other logistical matters. Examples of settlements we have obtained for our clients include:

  • $7,150,000 for a wrongful birth action involving the misreading of a genetic test
  • $4.2 million for failure to detect a heart defect on ultrasound
  • $3.1 Million settlement in wrongful birth involving the failure to detect Tay-Sachs
  • $2.7 Million settlement in wrongful birth action involving a misread ultrasound

In these cases and many others, we have helped our clients by engaging in vigorous, cutting-edge litigation. We will not rest until we have done everything possible to make sure that you receive the damages you need to help put your life back in balance and restore your sense of order and trust. At Nagel Rice, we have a well-earned reputation for leadership in cutting-edge litigation. Over the years, we have obtained client settlements of well over $100 million. See more of our verdicts and settlements here.

Contact a New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered the anguish of a wrongful birth or some other type of obstetrical malpractice, get in touch with the extremely capable, caring birth injury lawyer at Nagel Rice.

Please get in touch with us by phone or by filling out a contact form on our website. We are on your side, ready to defend you against medical malpractice with all the legal prowess at our disposal.

Nagel Rice LLP helps their clients with their birth injury claims throughout New Jersey including Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Morris County, Passaic County, and Sussex County.